the chill mom hangout at 2am feedings

the chill mom hangout at 2am feedings ✺

sleep Rachael Shepard-Ohta sleep Rachael Shepard-Ohta

Managing Fear and Anxiety at Bedtime

Between the ages of 2-3, many toddlers will experience a heightened level of fear and anxiety. They go through a big developmental leap in their imagination but their ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy doesn’t quite match up! Cue the sudden influx of questions about monsters…

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reviews Rachael Shepard-Ohta reviews Rachael Shepard-Ohta

10 Best bedside bassinets from a sleep specialist and mom of 3

If you’re looking to cosleep with your baby (meaning sleeping with them in the same room) then a bedside bassinet is a great option to keep them close by without taking up a ton of room! Bedside bassinets, or “cosleepers,” are great for moms who are recovering from c-sections or breastfeeding because baby is right next to you to easily tend to throughout the night without getting up. Here are some of the most recommended and some of my personal favorites that I feel great recommending after lots (and lots) of research!

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sleep Kaylene Way Hedgepeth sleep Kaylene Way Hedgepeth

Sleeping Close is Biological

If sleeping next to our babies was inherently dangerous, many species, including humans, would have gone extinct long ago. Parents and babies have slept in close proximity since the beginning of time; only in fairly recent years have parents been encouraged to distance themselves from their babies during the night.

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sleep Jessica Stott, MOTR/L sleep Jessica Stott, MOTR/L

What You Need to Know About Swaddling

How many of you thought you had to swaddle your baby? I was definitely under the impression that swaddling was standard practice for babies. I assumed it's just something you do and that all babies love it. Of course, I learned early on in my parenting journey that those types of sweeping generalizations are not realistic or helpful.

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sleep Rachael Shepard-Ohta sleep Rachael Shepard-Ohta

Cosleeping: Cultural Norms Around the World and in the U.S.

While sleep location recommendations differ across cultures and countries, a baby seeking sensory proximity to its mother is universal. In North America, where an infant sleeps has become a topic of contention among parents, health care providers, and sleep experts. This contention may partly be due to different cultural practices of infant sleep coming to light in America.

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