the chill mom hangout at 2am feedings

the chill mom hangout at 2am feedings ✺

parenting Hannah Thomas parenting Hannah Thomas

A New Way of Looking at Self Care for New Moms

Self care as a concept has always left me feeling slightly awful about myself. There were never enough hours in the day to do yoga, have a bath, go for a a run, journalling, bullet journalling, learning a new skill, making overnight oats and ensuring eight hours uninterrupted sleep. I am a terrible sleeper and would berate myself for not being able to complete the perfect self care task list and assign this as the reason I did not get the desired amount and type of slumber.

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postpartum Sarah Erman postpartum Sarah Erman

Stop Telling New Parents All They Need is a Shower a Day

A shower in those newborn days was not helpful or relaxing for me. If my child wasn’t screaming because he was legitimately starving, I was taunted by phantom cries. Getting into the shower led my heart rate to increase and it was a mad dash until I was out. No amount of breathing exercises made a shower enjoyable. What was relaxing for me was holding my baby, getting outside, and being in absolute silence.

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