the chill mom hangout at 2am feedings

the chill mom hangout at 2am feedings ✺

sleep Rachael Shepard-Ohta sleep Rachael Shepard-Ohta

Sleep Red Flags

There are some things that stand out to me as a sleep specialist which I call “red flags.” These red flags might be signs that there is something underlying (often medical but not always serious!) that is causing your little one to wake more than what I would consider to be “normal” for their age. I encourage parents to look into these red flags, to trust their gut, and to get second opinions when needed.

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parenting Rachael Shepard-Ohta parenting Rachael Shepard-Ohta

Colic- A Symptom, Not a Diagnosis

Chances are you’ve heard of “colicky” babies or may even have a child who’s been diagnosed with “colic.” It’s important to understand though, that the term colic has been used as a catch-all term for when doctors don’t know why an otherwise healthy newborn is inconsolable for much of the day or night. Colic is a symptom. It is not an acceptable diagnosis.

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