A jewelry gift is a great way to help new moms and dads celebrate the birth of their baby. From cute initial necklaces and charm bracelets to birthstone pendants and personalized lockets, there are so many options to choose from.
Your Time
What do parents of newborns need? Everyone is different, but many new parents may prefer some practical help, rather than a gift. If you know the new parents well, ask them exactly what they need.
If they’re struggling with getting enough sleep or longing for a hot bath, offer to take care of the baby for an hour while they have a nap or take a soak in the tub.
Many new parents don’t feel ready to leave their baby for a while, so if that’s the case, ask what else you can do to help them out. For example, if they’re finding it difficult to stay on top of the cleaning schedule, you could offer to spend a morning or afternoon getting the housework under control.
If they have other children, you could offer to occupy them for a while. They might just need you to take the dog out for a walk or pick up something they need from the shop.
From cleaning the bathroom to getting on top of the laundry basket, a couple of hours of your time could make a huge difference to them.
What was the best gift you received as a new parent? What would you add to our list? Let us know in the comments.