Tender transitions

a gentle guide to making BIG changes

Moving on from Cosleeping or making other supported changes to your little one’s sleep.


It’s the most common problem I see in my DM’s. You want your child out of your bed. Or you want to stop bouncing to sleep for an hour each night. But you don’t ever want to leave your baby to Cry it Out. Basically- you want to make a change but you’re nervous about how to do it in a responsive, gentle way.

Enter Tender Transitions! This brand-new course combines 2 of our most popular workshops ever, plus a whole module of new material on sleep, attachment, and mindset. This 3-Module Course teaches you step by step how to move away from any sleep sitch that’s no longer working for you- whether it’s bouncing or rocking to sleep, feeding to sleep or cosleeping/ bed sharing.

P.S. I'll never suggest leaving your child to cry it out- promise! 

Imagine having evenings to yourself again because you’re not rocking a writhing alligator for 90 minutes at bedtime. 

Imagine having the flexibility to snuggle your child to sleep but have them actually stay in their own bed so you’re not getting kicked in the face at 3am anymore.

Imagine being able to BURN THE YOGA BALL (or maybe actually use it for yoga).

These outcomes are all completely possible for you, and you don’t have to abandon your child or your parenting values to get there. A few weeks from now you could have a completely different feeling as bedtime approaches- going from dreading it to actually enjoying it!

but how to get there without sleep training?

I know it can feel like sleep training is the only option for moving away from supporting your child to sleep. There’s so much fear-mongering and horrible messaging out there about baby and toddler sleep that it feels hopeless to transition them away from needing you so much without doing something super rigid or harsh. 

It’s like there are only two options- sleep train or cosleep forever. But what if I told you there was a ton of middle ground?

That’s where the HSB approach, laid out in the Tender Transitions Course comes in!  Think of that thing you hate doing at bedtime? Well, friend, it actually IS possible to make gentle changes and transition away from that respectfully. I’ll show you!

ready for a different way? here’s what’s inside:

The Tender Transitions Course is the newest course from HSB, after years of running fan-favorite live workshops on these topics. Now this course is available ON DEMAND with NO expiration! 

So what’s included in this course, you ask?

3 Video Modules: Supported but Solo Sleep, Making Changes, and Moving on from Cosleeping

Gorgeous 110+ page e-guidebook with even more info, step by step plans, and FAQ/ troubleshooting + a BONUS guide all about safety proofing!

Psst… if you’ve got a toddler or bigger kid, you’ll definitely want to bundle up! The Toddler Bundle includes the Tender Transitions Course AND the Better Bedtimes Guide! The Better Bedtimes Guide offers tons of evidence-based strategies for dealing with bedtime issues like fear or separation anxiety, stalling or negotiating, leaving the room, etc. and gives you lots of visuals, printables, and other resources to use with your child to make bedtime stress-free, enjoyable and as fast as possible.

AND with the Bonus you get the exclusive Welcoming a New Baby Sibling guide for FREE! This guide is not available a la carte and is only inside this bundle offer- since SO often we see toddlers and older children struggle with sleep right before and right after the birth of a new baby sibling. 

So…Choose your Course!

parents like you have said:

let's make a change ✺

let's make a change ✺

the tender transitions course will teach you:

The Background Info:

  • Keeping tabs on your own Mental Health throughout this process

  • About the HSB Approach and what makes us different

  • Attachment in Infancy and beyond: What is Attachment? How is “secure” attachment formed? What about rupture and repair? What does this have to do with sleep?

  • All about Temperament and Highly Sensitive Children

  • About the Sensory “tank” and why this is important for good sleep

  • Sleep Myths and Unlearnings

  • My 6 Keys to Encouraging better sleep NATURALLY

  • Looking out for “Red Flags” that could be impacting sleep

    The Nitty Gritty:

  • My 3 fool-proof strategies for ending any sleep association like rocking, bouncing, or feeding to sleep

  • How to transition from Crib to Big Kid Bed

  • How to get a Partner involved

  • Setting Boundaries or what I call “Loving Limits” around sleep and nursing

  • *Exactly* how to stop Cosleeping or Bed Sharing

  • How to support tears (we never encourage you to leave your child to cry it out alone!)

  • What to do if your child keeps leaving the room

    And there’s way more inside that didn’t make it to this list!

you could just keep going…

bouncing or rocking for hours, bed sharing even though no one is sleeping…

OR you could get instant access to the Tender Transitions material and get a game plan that feels good to you, is respectful of your child, and WORKS! This course is not sleep training nor is it a simple or magical overnight solution (wouldn’t it be great if that existed though!? sigh).

However, it is a course that will teach you *exactly* how to stop doing that thing you hate- whether it’s feeding to sleep with a baby who is latched for hours, or rocking or bouncing so much your back is breaking, or bed sharing with a toddler who isn’t actually sleeping all that well (so neither are you). 

Inside this course I give you *actual strategies* without lots of extra fluff. You’re busy. You’re tired. You just want to cut to the chase, and I get that! Let’s dive in 👇


  • The tools in this guide will fit a variety of ages and stages. The youngest I would suggest these strategies for are 6-9 month olds. Most of the content can apply throughout early childhood. The ideal range for this guide is 1-5 years old.

  • There is no CIO in any of my guides or courses. I’ll never suggest that you leave your child alone with their big feelings. That being said, you can expect some crying when setting new boundaries for the first time, so I can’t give you a “no tears” promise. I can tell you that you’ll learn how to feel confident being your child’s “anchor” and you’ll be prepared for supporting their tears while remaining regulated yourself- which is such a huge part of early parenting!

  • I have so much confidence that this guide will give you some amazing tools to improve bedtime in your home, and if the guide does absolutely nothing for your family (not possible!) I’m happy to buy it back from you within 30 days.

  • This guide likely won’t achieve putting your child in their room at 7pm and saying peace out (I mean, it could….) but that’s not how I define success. This guide WILL help you move towards more independent, restful sleep for the whole family and more importantly will help you achieve a sense of calm and FUN in your evening and bedtime routines. I know it will help you enjoy bedtime with your child, making it a treasured memory that you will both hold onto for the rest of your lives.

I have used these exact methods with my own kids as well as countless personal clients. I know you’ll find valuable information and get tons of reassurance as you work your way through. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to shoot me a message!

rachael, founder of HSB

More about me

Hey! I'm Rachael. I'm an Infant Sleep Specialist, former teacher, and mom of 3. I left my 9-year teaching career when my second child was a newborn, after I decided on a whim to enroll in a Sleep Certification program during my pregnancy. I was terrified of dealing with sleep deprivation again, and was desperately looking for answers that didn't include sleep training. What I found was a whole new passion and career path, PLUS a reinvigoration of my own motherhood journey.

I have loved working with babies and children for my entire life, but it wasn't until I became a mom that I understood just how truly all-consuming parenthood can be. Now in the age of social media, it's so hard for parents to sift through all the different philosophies on things like sleep and to know who they should trust. The information overload is so overwhelming! I get it, and I've been there too. I can promise you that I have tried it ALL with my own kids, and now that I'm a trained sleep specialist with multiple certifications and hundreds of hours of continued education, I feel so confident in my methods and am beyond proud to share them with you!

stress less. enjoy your baby more!

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