newborn masterclass

The Essential Baby Sleep Course for New + Expecting Parents

Most baby sleep classes are full of outdated information or are taught by people who haven’t been through it in decades. Or they’re rife with stressful rules and rigid schedules to follow.

At HSB we teach a laid-back approach rooted in evidence-based sleep and attachment science. Our team of moms work with families worldwide and we bring our passion for helping new parents THRIVE as well as our baby sleep and feeding expertise to give you a truly comprehensive experience.

We know from personal experience…social media feeds make having a new baby either look completely miserable or unrealistically perfect. You’ll see babies sleeping peacefully in their cribs or parents saying they haven’t slept in years. Where’s the middle ground? Where’s the real life?!

What if you could feel totally prepared for your baby, with a game plan for how you’ll approach sleep in a way that feels natural vs. totally overwhelming?

Good news: it’s completely possible to enjoy the newborn stage and to be ready for any curveball that little cutie pie throws at you. Baby sleep can be confusing (plus there are soooo many opinions out there) and I’m here to demystify it for you!

That’s not our style.

welcome, baby ✺

welcome, baby ✺

Welcome to the HSB Newborn Masterclass: The essential baby sleep course for new + expecting parents.

It’s the most comprehensive newborn course around and will help you be totally set all the way through the fourth trimester and beyond the dreaded “four month regression” so you can be totally *chill* about baby sleep!

hey sleepy baby rachael Pediatric Sleep Specialist holistic gentle nurturing conscious parenting attachment parenting natural baby development sleep training postpartum support mom friends podcast baby belly workout
hey sleepy baby rachael Pediatric Sleep Specialist holistic gentle nurturing conscious parenting attachment parenting natural baby development sleep training postpartum support mom friends podcast baby belly workout

So what’s inside, you ask?


A gorgeous 160+ page e-guidebook with all the info you’ll need including mental health information, creating routines and sleep associations, feeding + safe sleep options (cosleeping + bed sharing included), and getting through the 4-month sleep “regression”

e-book ✺


Video Library of bite-sized video lessons and demonstrations for things like:

  • How to tell when your baby is tired

  • How to stop stressing so much about sleep

  • When will my baby sleep longer stretches?

  • What's the connection between feeding & sleep?

  • How & when to respond to night wakes

  • What to do if baby only wants to sleep on top of you

video library ✺


Links to my favorite things for the postpartum and newborn stage, books, and other resources to check out

fave links ✺


5+ hours of bonus content- check out these deep-dive video interviews with incredible experts in topics like breastfeeding and bottles, twins, postpartum mental health, tongue-ties, reflux and colic, and temperament/ highly sensitive babies

bonus expert interviews ✺


But wait- be sure you upgrade to the Baby Bundle! With this special bundle you’ll get everything listed above PLUS access to my best-seller: the Ultimate Crib + Floor Bed Guide. Inside this guide you’ll learn all about weaning from a Snoo/ Bassinet and transitioning your baby into a crib, skipping the crib all together or trying out a “floor bed” or simply moving away from contact naps. This guide includes a PDF full of info and visuals, troubleshooting and FAQ guides, plus a PRIVATE PODCAST FEED where you get to listen to me talk you through the whole thing- cause you’re a busy parent now!

bundle deal ✺


the newborn masterclass

The only newborn sleep course you’ll need.

+Video Library


Deep-dive video interviews with incredible experts in topics of breastfeeding and bottles, twins, postpartum mental health, tongue-ties, reflux and colic, and temperament/ highly sensitive babies

The Baby Bundle *best deal!*

Everything included in the Newborn Masterclass PLUS The Ultimate Crib & Bed Guide:

+Setting up for safety with a crib or a floor bed

+How to move away from contact-only napping

+How to transfer baby to a crib

+Weaning from a Snoo/ Bassinet

+and so much more!

 What They’re Saying

hey sleepy baby rachael Pediatric Sleep Specialist holistic gentle nurturing conscious parenting attachment parenting natural baby development sleep training postpartum support mom friends podcast baby belly workout

You could grab another baby sleep course… but what sets Hey Sleepy Baby apart is that we *get it.* 

We’re in the baby sleep mud with you and boy do we feeeeeel that sleep deprivation through the screen! We aren’t here to sugarcoat anything, scare you into doing things “our way” or make you feel like you’re failing. The HSB Newborn Masterclass will feel like a big hug from a friend telling you what a badass you are.

We’re here to cheer you on and to remind you that YOU are the expert on your baby. You and your baby are *perfect* and learning about each other in these first few months is such a beautiful thing. We’re just here to hold your hand.

You could also just… wing it? But after years of working with parents one thing we hear over and over (and over) again is that they wish they found HSB with their first baby. They wish they’d learned this information the very first time around to save themselves from all of the stress and pressure out there.

Because when it comes to baby sleep, it truly is the Wild West of misinformation and fear mongering out there- and we want better for you!

This class will teach you everything you need to know about supporting yourself and your newborn, how to optimize sleep for the whole fam, and how to sleep SAFELY regardless of what approach you take (cosleeping, crib, a combo, whatever!).

Most of all, this course will equip you with the answers to any “what if” situation that you simply cannot see coming until you actually meet that beautifully unique baby of yours.

hey sleepy baby rachael Pediatric Sleep Specialist holistic gentle nurturing conscious parenting attachment parenting natural baby development sleep training postpartum support mom friends podcast baby belly workout

It’s time to go from Sleepy to Sleeping.

It’s time to go from Sleepy to Sleeping. ☾

If you’re nosy and wanna know allllllll the details on what’s inside the course before you pull the trigger, we get it! Here’s what you can expect to learn:

  • How to dress your baby for safe sleep

  • The witching hour, crying and colic

  • Getting through the “4 month sleep regression”

  • Sleep totals + how much your baby should be sleeping

  • All about naps

  • Night wakings- what’s normal?

  • Nighttime feedings

  • Weaning from the Snoo or Swaddle

  • Transitioning from Bassinet to Crib

  • What to do if your baby only sleeps on your chest

  • Crib transfer problems

  • Temperament + Sensory Needs

  • Sleep and feeding “red flags” and what you should do

  • … plus so much more!

  • Sleep myths vs. fact

  • How to have a healthy outlook and realistic expectations about sleep

  • How culture impacts our sleep beliefs

  • Research on responsive caregiving

  • Sleep science basics- circadian rhythm, sleep pressure, newborn sleep cycles

  • Sleep and feeding cues

  • Interacting with your newborn

  • Overtiredness and calming baby down

  • Tips for soothing “colicky” or unsettled babies

  • Safe sleep options for bassinet, crib, and cosleeping or bed sharing

  • Setting up the sleep environment

  • Creating great routines

  • What to do about sleep “props” like pacifiers and swaddles

All this? Are you for real?
Sign me up!

grabbing this course asap is recommended

The Newborn stage is so fleeting- and making any decisions while you’re postpartum can be *so hard.* We’re taking all the guesswork out for you. The decision is super simple:

Choose the Masterclass (we recommend going for the Baby Bundle so you get the Crib Guide to use as well!) and get *instant access* to the material- with no expiration! That’s right- if you purchase now, and have more babies in the future- you can come back to this very same class as a refresher! Our classes don’t expire!

If you don’t find anything helpful inside the course (seriously impossible!) you’ll get your money back no questions asked. Yep, seriously! We believe in this course so much, and know it will help you feel so much better about your baby’s sleep, that we’re giving you a full 30 days to go through everything.

Hang on- maybe I should introduce myself?

Hey! I’m Rachael! I’m the founder of HSB and my team and I work with families worldwide to get them better sleep without sleep training. The Newborn Masterclass is such a labor of love because it’s EXACTLY what I wish I’d had when I became a new mom almost 7 years ago. Instead I took courses and followed rules that made me feel like a complete failure, and made me look at my sweet baby like he was broken.

I set out on a mission after that experience as a completely anxious mess of a first time mom. A mission to make parents feel empowered and confident- and to give them to power of CHOICE! So often I see families choosing approaches to sleep that don’t feel good to them simply for lack of better options. Or for lack of knowing how babies are MEANT to sleep. I can pretty much guarantee that you don’t suck as a parent and your baby doesn’t suck at being a baby! We simply need to give parents more science-backed education with a little nuance and a LOT of compassion so that they can make choices that fit THEIR family!

This approach isn’t right for everyone, and that’s totally ok!

Different strokes for different folks.
If you’re looking for sleep training methods or other “quick fix” sleep solutions, this probably won’t be your jam.

Here’s how to know if this is the right course for you:

You’re expecting a baby soon!

You’re newly postpartum (baby is under 4 months old)

You want to know how to set up your baby for the safest sleep possible, whether you plan on crib or cosleeping / bed sharing (or a mix)

You want to know about sleep science and to understand what biologically normal infant sleep actually looks like

You want to be able to read your baby’s sleepy and hungry cues

Responsive parenting is important to you

Rigid schedules, prescribed routines, and strict rules are NOT your vibe

So- what would it feel like to simply *not stress* about your baby’s sleep and to actually ENJOY the newborn stage? I want you to find out with your first baby instead of your second or third like so many of us!

I’m so honored you’ve chosen us!

I’ll be your personal sleep cheerleader and show you everything I know. 

one more time! Here’s What’s Included in this class:

➞ A gorgeous 160+ page e-guidebook

➞ Video Library of bite-sized video lessons and demonstrations

➞ Links to my favorite things and other resources to check out

BONUS deep-dive video interviews with incredible experts in topics like breastfeeding and bottles, twins, postpartum mental health, tongue-ties, reflux and colic, and temperament/ highly sensitive babies

Get forever access. All for just $89

baby bundle:

➞ 100-page PDF Guide with cheat sheets, charts, and other printables

➞ Step-by-step for safety proofing, preparing your baby for the change, and getting started

➞ Visuals and examples of how to set up the room and sleep space

➞ Links to recommended products

➞ FAQ and troubleshooting common hurdles

➞ private podcast feed to listen to the content on the go

Upgrade to the Bundle for just $119

While I don’t guarantee this course will get your tiny baby sleeping 12 hours by 12 weeks (or anything else crazy like that) I DO guarantee that you’ll have all the information you need to get the best sleep possible with NO. MORE. STRESS. If it’s still not for you, you’ll have 30 days to get a full refund with no questions asked!

hey sleepy baby rachael Pediatric Sleep Specialist holistic gentle nurturing conscious parenting attachment parenting natural baby development sleep training postpartum support mom friends podcast baby belly workout

hey, you!

I’m Rachael. Are we Insta friends yet? If not, I am about to be your sleep BFF- so please send me a message to let me know when you have a big sleep WIN so we can celebrate together!

I’ve been where you are. Completely lost as a new mom and obsessed about my baby’s (lack of) sleep. I tried all the tricks in all the books, and NOTHING worked. My PPA was spiraling and I felt like a complete failure. It set me on this path to find a different way when I was pregnant with my second baby, and now that I’m a Certified Sleep Specialist (plus Mama to 3!) I’m spilling all my secrets with you. I’ll give you one right now- are you ready? 

YOU are the expert on your baby. I’m just here to steer you in the right direction. I’ll give you some tips and tricks to get better sleep for your whole fam but most importantly I’ll leave you feeling confident and ready to ditch the sleep tracking apps to just enjoy that ADORABLE little babe of yours.

so, you still have some questions.

so, you still have some questions. ✺

  • This masterclass is for expecting parents or those with babies around 3 months or younger. This is meant to be the only newborn sleep course you will need. This class helps new parents stress less about sleep, so they can actually ENJOY the newborn stage! I guide you through postpartum with your baby all the way up to the 4 month sleep "regression"

  • That's the goal, of course! I will give you my "6 Keys" to get your baby sleeping. However, this course focuses on developmentally appropriate sleep biology vs. behavioral sleep training methods, so you won't necessarily get your baby sleeping 7-7 (because most aren't meant to!). However, you'll be confident that your baby is getting the sleep that they need and that they are being supported and responded to the whole time. Not only that, but you'll get strategies to get more rest for yourself as well, plus coping strategies and other tools you can use to be sure you're as rested as possible during tricky seasons of your little one's first months.

  • Nope. Really. There are zero sleep training methods in this course- not even "gentle" sleep training. What I define as "sleep training" might be different from others, so let me explain. Sleep training to me includes any technique or method that withholds the parent's natural inclination to respond. This could mean Extinction / Cry it Out, but it can also mean Ferber style "checking in" type methods, the Chair method, pick up/ put down, etc. These methods are all variations of sleep training because they are instructing the parent to withhold a natural response, which is to respond as quickly as they can, and to soothe their baby when needed. Of course none of us are perfect and babies DO cry. That's unavoidable and not really a problem in and of itself, but babies need coregulation with a caregiver, not to cry it out alone. I’ll never tell you to give up something you love or something that feels right to you. YOU are the expert on your baby!

  • None of the strategies in this course instruct you to leave your baby to cry on their own. Sometimes when we make changes like moving baby to a crib for the first time, though, there will be some big feelings. Crying isn't inherently bad- it's an expression of emotion- but infant crying is designed to illicit a response from us (that's why we can't stand the sound of it!). That's why there's a whole section in this course that teaches you about emotion and tears. It discusses how to make changes in a gradual and respectful way WITHOUT using a behavioral sleep training method, and also dives deep into supporting emotion and what to do about tears. As I always say- it’s not crying that’s the problem, but crying alone.

  • While I do want and expect you and your baby to get better sleep as a result of taking this course, I don't throw out any wild guarantees or success rates, because we're all human! There's no way to guarantee how people choose to implement the information, strategies and tips I share. What I CAN guarantee is that you'll end the course feeling so much more knowledgeable and most importantly more chill about your child's sleep. You'll feel totally prepared for any curve ball they throw at you in the first couple of years, and you'll have TONS of strategies in your back pocket for when tricky situations come up. Most of all you'll feel totally connected to your little one, ready to enjoy them rather than stressing out over things like wake windows and short naps. That being said, if the course doesn't totally help your family (which I know it will), you'll have 30 days to get your money back no questions asked.

  • This class will teach you everything you need to know about supporting yourself and your newborn, how to optimize sleep for the whole fam, and how to sleep SAFELY regardless of what approach you take (cosleeping, crib, a combo, whatever!). Most of all, this course will equip you with the answers to any “what if” situation that you simply cannot see coming until you actually meet that beautifully unique baby of yours.

  • Yes! Use this link to get instructions on giving this course to a new mama in your life.

Now’s the time, friend!

Ready to stop stressing and start thriving?